This shed is based upon the BBC game show 'Beat the Brain' hosted by John Craven. Many of the questions lend themselves well to maths, but I have also included a selection that are good for Literacy. Some of the challenges involve the use of a clock, so if you want to try and solve the problem with a timer, one has been embedded.
Count the Missing Bricks.
How many bricks are missing from the wall?
Darts: What's the Score?
Subtract the total scored from the number on the right.
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Wheel Match
Which wheel matches the one on the left?
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Mirror Image.
If the clock on the left is a mirror image, what is the real time?
Short Changed.
hat is the difference in amounts shown?
Which Viewpoint?
Which viewpoint are you looking from?
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Pick Up Sticks.
In what order should the sticks be picked up?
Left or Right?
Are these hands, left or right hands?
Rock, Paper, Scissors
Solve the Riddle
What Phrase?
What phrases can you see in the pictures above?
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Name the Common Link?
Find the Hidden Word.
Find the hidden word in the sentence above.
Form a Word.
Re-arrange the newspaper cuttings to create a word.