Burger King: Something not quite right here!
Tim Peake's Return to Earth.
The Battle of the Somme in Numbers.

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Remembrance Day.

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These infographics can be used to create timelines, recreate the infographics to make them look better visually, write numbers as words, order numbers from small to big, create word problems based on the numbers, look at the place value of each digit, how many years between each event on the poppy timeline?
Planet Earth 2 in Numbers.
Chinese Zodiac Calendar

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Anatomy of a Pancake

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Every snowflake is different. But while each snowflake itself may be different from the one that came before it, the crystalline shapes that make up all these special little snowflakes are actually remarkably uniform.
This great infographic was created by Compound Interest (@compoundchem) who have several other great infographics on their website at http://www.compoundchem.com/
This great infographic was created by Compound Interest (@compoundchem) who have several other great infographics on their website at http://www.compoundchem.com/
Russell Scott Primary
It is fantastic when I receive tweets about classes using Numeracyshed resources and I had a double whammy from the Year 5's of 'Russell Scott Primary'. They have not only been using the Challenge of the week as a starter, but have been using our 'Angry Birds' resources from the 'Popular Culture' shed too.
Holy Cross CEVA Primary School, Oldham.
I love it when somebody shares a brilliant idea on Twitter. Inspired by a Bryn Goodman blog about creating stories or poems using maths words, the children of Year 6, Penguin Class and their brilliant teacher Miss Earnshaw have created some super Math's Haikus in their Literacy lessons. The children used Padlet to write and share their Haikus in real time. Miss Earnshaw said "It was fantastic to see their ideas appear on my I-Pad in real time". Thank you for letting me share these, they are terrific, making maths vocabulary seem very exciting.
Place Value Prezi
Thanks to Theresa Young @treezyoung for sharing this brilliant 'Place Value' Prezi presentation based on the First World War. Prezi has to fully load before you can use it.
Why Remember?
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Planning on doing some Remembrance Day maths? Watch the video above and answer the questions on the PDF. Extension activities you could do are:
What percentage of the world's population involved in conflict were British?
Look at the ratio of troops worldwide that died, were wounded, taken prisoner or missing and the same for Britain, which has the highest ratio of troops that died, were wounded, taken prisoner or missing?
Go to
Look at the casualties by country.
Make word problems using the data e.g. Which country had the highest number of casualties?
What percentage of the world's population involved in conflict were British?
Look at the ratio of troops worldwide that died, were wounded, taken prisoner or missing and the same for Britain, which has the highest ratio of troops that died, were wounded, taken prisoner or missing?
Go to
Look at the casualties by country.
Make word problems using the data e.g. Which country had the highest number of casualties?
Remembrance Maths : Coppull Parish Church School.
I received a lovely tweet today from Coppull Parish Church school showing the work that they had done with our Remembrance Day maths. There are some huge numbers, and great working out - fantastic.
The Dice Bucket Challenge....Challenge.
The Ice Bucket Challenge has been everywhere, but this is the 'Dice Bucket Challenge' of course this is great for maths:
There are 1584 dice if they all rolled:
1 what would the total be (easy)
What if they all rolled 2?
Or if they all rolled 3?
Getting trickier now what if they all rolled 4, what is the total?
If they all rolled 5 what is the total?
What if by some miracle they all landed on 6, what would the total be?
There were 5 different coloured dice, would it be possible to have an equal number of every colour?
There are 1584 dice if they all rolled:
1 what would the total be (easy)
What if they all rolled 2?
Or if they all rolled 3?
Getting trickier now what if they all rolled 4, what is the total?
If they all rolled 5 what is the total?
What if by some miracle they all landed on 6, what would the total be?
There were 5 different coloured dice, would it be possible to have an equal number of every colour?
The Fallen: Lest We Forget.
Thanks to @FarrowMr for showing me this poignant video about D-Day. Two artists Andy Moss and Jamie Wardley set about making a tribute to the 9000 soldiers that fell during the D-day landings. More can be read here: http://thefallen9000.info/
The video below shows some great pictures of the soldiers etched in the sand:
Maths links could be:
Estimation - Stop the video at any time and estimate how many soldiers you can see?
Time - If each etching took 5 minutes, how long in total was needed to do 9000?
If there were 200 volunteers how long would it take them?
How about 500 volunteers?
Due to the tide if you only had a 12 hour gap to create how long would you have to create each etching
Measuring - If each soldier measured 1.5 metres, how much beach would be needed to create the tribute?
Shape, can you see any symmetry or symmetrical patterns with the etchings?
The video below shows some great pictures of the soldiers etched in the sand:
Maths links could be:
Estimation - Stop the video at any time and estimate how many soldiers you can see?
Time - If each etching took 5 minutes, how long in total was needed to do 9000?
If there were 200 volunteers how long would it take them?
How about 500 volunteers?
Due to the tide if you only had a 12 hour gap to create how long would you have to create each etching
Measuring - If each soldier measured 1.5 metres, how much beach would be needed to create the tribute?
Shape, can you see any symmetry or symmetrical patterns with the etchings?
Tour De France Maths Resources.
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Tour De France in Numbers.
A simple little video but lots of maths can be taken from it.
*How much further do cyclists ride comparing the 1903 and the 2012 distances. Can you convert the distance from km to miles, metres, inches, cm or even millimetres.
*What is the difference in average speed between 1903 and 2012, why do you think this is?
*Compare the weight of the bike from 1903 and 2012, how much lighter is the bike now?
*What was the first prize in 1903 what is it now? what percentage has it increased?
*What percentage have the number of spectators increased?
*Compare the number of dropouts from 1903 to 2012 why do you think the number has dropped significantly?
*How much further do cyclists ride comparing the 1903 and the 2012 distances. Can you convert the distance from km to miles, metres, inches, cm or even millimetres.
*What is the difference in average speed between 1903 and 2012, why do you think this is?
*Compare the weight of the bike from 1903 and 2012, how much lighter is the bike now?
*What was the first prize in 1903 what is it now? what percentage has it increased?
*What percentage have the number of spectators increased?
*Compare the number of dropouts from 1903 to 2012 why do you think the number has dropped significantly?
Tour De France 2013 in Numbers
*How high is the Alpe D'huez?
*There were 68 climbs in the 2013 Tour De France, which was the steepest?
*A rider spends 83 hours 56 minutes and 40 seconds in the saddle, how many days does that equate to? Can you convert the time to just minutes or seconds?
*The last placed finisher was 4 hours 27 minutes and 55 seconds behind the winner, what was the last placed finishers time if the winner finished in 83 hours 56 minutes and 40 seconds.
*What is the difference in years between the youngest and the oldest rider.
*There were 68 climbs in the 2013 Tour De France, which was the steepest?
*A rider spends 83 hours 56 minutes and 40 seconds in the saddle, how many days does that equate to? Can you convert the time to just minutes or seconds?
*The last placed finisher was 4 hours 27 minutes and 55 seconds behind the winner, what was the last placed finishers time if the winner finished in 83 hours 56 minutes and 40 seconds.
*What is the difference in years between the youngest and the oldest rider.
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Panini World Cup Albums Through History.
Each official album consists of 640 stickers but a London maths teacher has worked out that each collector should expect to purchase 4,505 stickers to make sure they have every card in a full collection. If each pack costs 50p and there are 5 stickers in each pack how much would it cost to fill your album?
Mathematicians at the University of Geneva used probability theory to calculate that collectors have to buy 899 packets to get every sticker, taking into account getting duplicates and excluding the possibility of swapping with other collectors.
Again if each pack costs 50p, how much will it cost to fill your album?
The biggest market is Brazil, where Panini’s Sao Paulo factory churns them out around the clock. An estimated eight million albums are being filled there ahead of the big kick-off.
Earlier this month, thieves in Rio stole one of Panini’s vans just to get the 300,000 stickers inside. In 2010, before the South Africa World Cup, thieves stole 135,000 packets from a distribution centre.
Remember there are 5 stickers in each pack, so how many packets did the thieves take on each occasion
Completed albums can be valuable, as owners of Panini’s 1970 World Cup set well know. Last week one appeared on eBay with an asking price of £1,800. Another had a £2,300 price tag.
Panini has 1,000 employees who churn out 750 million individual stickers a week. In the UK, Panini expects to sell enough World Cup stickers to stretch around the world, if lined up end to end, almost 25,000 miles. How many stickers does each individual employee produce?
Mathematicians at the University of Geneva used probability theory to calculate that collectors have to buy 899 packets to get every sticker, taking into account getting duplicates and excluding the possibility of swapping with other collectors.
Again if each pack costs 50p, how much will it cost to fill your album?
The biggest market is Brazil, where Panini’s Sao Paulo factory churns them out around the clock. An estimated eight million albums are being filled there ahead of the big kick-off.
Earlier this month, thieves in Rio stole one of Panini’s vans just to get the 300,000 stickers inside. In 2010, before the South Africa World Cup, thieves stole 135,000 packets from a distribution centre.
Remember there are 5 stickers in each pack, so how many packets did the thieves take on each occasion
Completed albums can be valuable, as owners of Panini’s 1970 World Cup set well know. Last week one appeared on eBay with an asking price of £1,800. Another had a £2,300 price tag.
Panini has 1,000 employees who churn out 750 million individual stickers a week. In the UK, Panini expects to sell enough World Cup stickers to stretch around the world, if lined up end to end, almost 25,000 miles. How many stickers does each individual employee produce?
World Cup Groups: Average Rankings.
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World Cup 2014 Stadium Facts and Figures
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An interesting video that breaks down the winners of the world cups and looks at different stats for winning.
Interestingly any world cup hosted in America (north or south) has been won by a South American team. So you could look at the probability of a European/African/Concacaf team winning the world cup this year. You could also look into why it is that South American teams are so dominant when the World Cup is hosted in American countries. Interestingly it then goes on to look at the stats of winners when the cup is hosted in Europe.
You could download the details of past winners, runners up and hosts below and look for any patterns in the data.
How about looking at the data then predicting what may happen in the tournament. A prediction chart is available to download below.
For those that like graphical representation I have also included a map showing host countries, past winners etc. look at patterns in this data. Is there any connection you can see? Why do you think some countries are not so successful
Interestingly any world cup hosted in America (north or south) has been won by a South American team. So you could look at the probability of a European/African/Concacaf team winning the world cup this year. You could also look into why it is that South American teams are so dominant when the World Cup is hosted in American countries. Interestingly it then goes on to look at the stats of winners when the cup is hosted in Europe.
You could download the details of past winners, runners up and hosts below and look for any patterns in the data.
How about looking at the data then predicting what may happen in the tournament. A prediction chart is available to download below.
For those that like graphical representation I have also included a map showing host countries, past winners etc. look at patterns in this data. Is there any connection you can see? Why do you think some countries are not so successful
Can 261.1 million buy the 2014 World Cup?
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Brazil 2014 Infographic.
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Both the flags and kits could have these questions.
What shapes can you see? which flags are symmetrical? how could you sort the flags / strips? Which flags would be good for making a repeating pattern?
What shapes can you see? which flags are symmetrical? how could you sort the flags / strips? Which flags would be good for making a repeating pattern?
Wimbledon 2014 Resources.
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Which Gender Wins?
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