What is wrong with this graph?
Challenge of the Week 02/05/17
Challenge of the Week 07/04/17
Challenge of the Week: 18/03/17
What is the Number Below?
How many squares? Is this an odd or even number? how may squares would there be with half, quarter? What if needed double the size, how many squares would we have then?
Challenge of the Week 27/02/17
Challenge of the Week 30/01/2017

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Download the PDF for the resources for the new challenge of the week
Challenge of the Week 15/01/17
Challenge of the Week 08/01/17
Challenge of the Week: 29/12/16
How many blocks in the picture below?
Challenge of the Week: 19/12/16
Challenge of the Week 12/12/16
Find the Panda.
Thanks to Freestyle Maths on Facebook for finding this tricky little puzzle.
Estimate how many Charlie Browns are there? Can you find Pikachu?
Challenge of the Week: 21/11/16
Not a total solution the only clue I will give is that you need to use a decimal point or two.
Challenge of the Week: 13/11/16

Answer is 39 - Can you tell us why?
Challenge of the Week 06/11/2016
Answer: 25
Challenge of the Week 02/11/16
What numbers should replace the ? marks at the bottom of the table?
Answer: 73 and 48
Answer: 73 and 48
Challenge of the Week 04/09/2016
Challenge of the Week 27/07/16
Challenge of the Week 10/07/2016
Challenge of the Week 04/07/2016
Challenge of the Week 26/06/2016
Challenge of the Week 19/06/16
Challenge of the Week 09/06/16
Challenge of the Week 14/05/2016

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Challenge of the Week 06/05/16
Challenge of the Week 02/05/2016
Could be several answers but the one I was looking for was '3' as it has no lines of symmetry.
Challenge of the Week 27/4/16
Can you work out the squad numbers of the Romanian football team?
Challenge of the Week 11/04/16
Challenge of the Week 01/04/16
Answers to above challenge:
Challenge of the Week 07/03/16
What is the value of the Roman Numeral?
Challenge of the Week 29/02/16
Challenge of the Week 22/02/2016
What is the missing shape?
Challenge of the Week 02/02/2016
Challenge of the Week 27/01/16
Challenge of the Week 17/01/2016
Challenge of the Week 10/01/16
Fraction Challenge
Challenge of the Week 03/1/16

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Ultimate Find the Panda.

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Challenge of the Week: 13/12/15

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Challenge of the Week : 06/12/15
Challenge of the Week 30/11/15
Challenge of the Week 22/11/15
Challenge of the Week 15/11/15
How many squares in the picture above?
Challenge of the Week 8/11/15
Mr Andre' spilt juice on a child's homework, what numbers is the juice covering up?
Thanks to the brilliant www.1001mathsproblems.com for this problem.
Thanks to the brilliant www.1001mathsproblems.com for this problem.
Challenge of the Week 30/10/15

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I have got £50.00 to spend on fireworks, what can I buy for my money?
Adding to this you could just give your children a budget and ask them to organise the biggest fireworks party they can for the money they have. How many fireworks could they get? Are there any deals available? If you get just sparklers will it be an exciting display?
Challenge of the Week 19/10/15
Can you find the digit that should be placed in place of that question mark?
Challenge of the Week 11/10/15
Challenge of the Week: 04/10/15
How many tigers can you see?
Challenge of the Week 27/09/15

Which of the options would come next ?
Challenge of the Week: 13/09/2015
How many squares can you see?
Challenge of the Week 31/08/15
Challenge of the Week 24/08/15
Can you find the hidden star in the picture above?
Challenge of the Week 18/08/15
Challenge of the Week 9/8/15
Follow the on screen instructions: Did you get it right or wrong? If you got it wrong why do you think this is?
Challenge of the Week 2/8/15
Challenge of the Week 26/7/15
Challenge of the Week 19/07/15
Challenge of the Week 12/07/15
Challenge of the Week 05/07/15
Challenge of the Week : 28/06/15
Hidden in these coffee beans is a child, can you find them? What co-ordinates are they hidden in?
Challenge of the Week : 21/06/15
You are driving a bus through city.
* At the start there was just driver and his helper.
* At the 1st stop, 10 people get on and 7 people get off.
* At the 2nd stop, 17 people get on and 3 people get off.
* At the 3rd stop, 11 people get on and 1 get off.
* Then the bus drives 8 kilometers to McDonalds and order 33 veg-burgers.
* When the burgers are finished , the bus goes 7 kilometers back and picks up 2 more people and lets off 6.
* Finally at the Hotel Hyatt, all of the passengers get off the bus and leave the driver all alone.
What's the driver's name ?
* At the start there was just driver and his helper.
* At the 1st stop, 10 people get on and 7 people get off.
* At the 2nd stop, 17 people get on and 3 people get off.
* At the 3rd stop, 11 people get on and 1 get off.
* Then the bus drives 8 kilometers to McDonalds and order 33 veg-burgers.
* When the burgers are finished , the bus goes 7 kilometers back and picks up 2 more people and lets off 6.
* Finally at the Hotel Hyatt, all of the passengers get off the bus and leave the driver all alone.
What's the driver's name ?
Challenge of the Week 14/06/15
How many pencils can you see?c
Challenge of the Week 7/6/15
What is the value of the shapes?
Challenge of the Week 31/05/15
How many hands and fingers can you see in the picture?
Answer: 31 hands and 155 fingers
Answer: 31 hands and 155 fingers
What is the combined weight of the cat, rabbit and dog?
Challenge of the Week: 17/05/15
Thanks to @7puzzle @NatBanting & @RJS2212 of Twitter fame for this little gem. When you have done this can you create a code that can go even higher?
Challenge of the Week : 10/05/15
Challenge of the Week : 03/05/15
Einsteins Election Riddle.

generalelectionproblem.pdf | |
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Challenge of the Week : 19/04/15
How many triangles can you see in this picture?
Challenge of the Week 22/03/15
Challenge of the Week 16/03/15
How many matches can you see in the picture above?
Challenge of the Week 01/03/15
Challenge of the Week 15/02/15
How many Ferrero Rocher can you see? What is the best way to work it out?
How many Ferrero Rocher are there in total?
Please enter your answers below:
How many Ferrero Rocher are there in total?
Please enter your answers below:
An old Mathematics book contained this addition sum which had been marked correct by the teacher: The three squares in the diagram are where the paper was so bad I couldn't read them.
What were the three missing numbers?
What were the three missing numbers?
Challenge of the Week 25/01/15
Challenge of the Week 18/01/15
Challenge of the Week 12/1/15
Challenge of the Week 05/1/15
The Great Millenium Falcon Kit Challenge.
Watch the great advert below showing the superb Millenium Falcon kit that you can buy in weekly parts, then work out how much it will cost you (details and cost below). Write the answer on the Padlet wall below.
The Mystery Calculator.
Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document.

mysterycalculator.pdf | |
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This challenge was inspired by a Christmas cracker prize. The Mystery Calculator is able to predict a number chosen by a friend, by adding the top left hand number of any card that has the chosen number on it. The question is, how does this work?
Challenge of the Week 14/1`2/14
Challenge of the Week 07/12/14
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Challenge of the Week: 30/11/14
Challenge of the Week 23/11/14
Thanks to Hywel Roberts for the inspiration for this one. Think carefully about different aspects of life, such as sport, shopping, work etc and how it would affect normal day to day life without numbers. When you have had a talk and shared your ideas below take a look at the 'No Numbers Land' animation - it has lots of good talking points around number.
No Numbers Land
This amusing animation gives a good example of the problems we we would have wihtout the use of numbers.
Weekly Challenge 16/11/14
Six wolves catch six lambs in six minutes.
How many wolves will be needed to catch sixty lambs in sixty minutes?
No, the answer is not sixty. Try again!
Please share your answer on the Padlet wall below.
How many wolves will be needed to catch sixty lambs in sixty minutes?
No, the answer is not sixty. Try again!
Please share your answer on the Padlet wall below.
Challenge of the Week: 09/11/14
There are 888,246 ceramic poppies at the Tower of London. Each poppy costs £25.00 how much money will be raised for charity?
Challenge of the Week 03/11/14
Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document.
Challenge of the Week: 19/10/14
Challenge of the Week 12/10/14
Challenge of the Week 05/10/14
Challenge of the Week: 29/9/14
Challenge of the Week 21/09//14
Challenge of the Week 15/09/14
How many outlines of triangles of all sizes and shapes can you trace in the figure?
Challenge of the Week: 07/09/14
Which of these dice does not belong in the sequence?
Challenge of the Week: 28/8/14
Which car goes into which road?
Car 1 goes into road B, because 17 goes into 136;
Car 2 goes into road C, because 81 goes into 567;
Car 3 goes into road A, because 27 goes into 243 .
Car 1 goes into road B, because 17 goes into 136;
Car 2 goes into road C, because 81 goes into 567;
Car 3 goes into road A, because 27 goes into 243 .
Challenge of the Week 24/08/14
Which number should replace the question mark?
Answer : 17
Answer : 17
Challenge of the Week: 17/08/14
As the football season is now upon us: How many footballs are in this picture?
Challenge of the Week: 11/08/14
What number should replace the ?
Challenge of the Week: 03/08/14
How many triangles can you see in this picture?
Challenge of the Week: 27/07/14
Starting with the watch on the left, add 42 minutes to the time shown to give the time on the next watch to the right
Starting with the watch on the left, add 42 minutes to the time shown to give the time on the next watch to the right
Challenge of the Week: 19/07/14
A nice easy one to take us into the summer holidays:
What are the next three letters in the sequence?
O T T F F S S _ _ _
What are the next three letters in the sequence?
O T T F F S S _ _ _
Challenge of the Week 13/07/14
Challenge of the Week: 06/07/14
The Candy Problem.
Challenge of the Week: 29/06/14
Think You are Smart? The 9 Dot 4 Line Challenge
Using just 4 lines, can you link all 9 dots?
Problem of the Week: 22/06/14
Tennis Bat and Ball Problem.

A tennis bat and a ball cost £1.10 in total. The tennis bat costs £1 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost? Answer is not 10p
Challenge of the Week 14/06/14
Parking Spaces.
Your challenge this week is to figure out the numbering system in this car park.
Weekly Maths Challenge: 09/06/14
The Parted Circle Puzzle.
You have nine circles (divided into 16 smaller sectors). Each has a different pattern of holes. Which two of them can form an opaque (non-transparent) circle when stacked on top of each other?
Circles can be rotated and/or overturned.
Circles can be rotated and/or overturned.
Challenge of the Week: 01/06/14
Challenge of the Week: 18/05/14

For this challenge you may want to give your pupils a rectangle piece of paper with another rectangle cut out randomly from it. The challenge is to then find a way of dividing the triangle in 2 so that both parts are equal. The video explains the challenge in greater detail and also shows you the solution.
Challenge of the Week: 12/05/2014
The Panini World Cup Sticker Challenge.
Thanks to Abi Stokes (@Abicass1) for giving me this idea.
Very topical with the England squad being announced today (well done to Southampton's Adam Lallana, Rickie Lamber and Luke Shaw)
We love to collect football stickers and fill our albums, but how much would it cost to fill your book?
In this year’s sticker book South Korean striker Lee Keun-Ho is at number 639. Stickers come in packs of five, so:
QUESTION 1: How many packets would you need to get 639 stickers?
QUESTION 2: If each pack costs 50, how much would it cost to buy the number of packs needed?
Of course when buying packets you will get some of the same stickers, with this in mind on average you would need to buy 4120 stickers.
QUESTION 3: How many packs of 5 would you need to buy?
QUESTION 4: How much would it cost?
Very topical with the England squad being announced today (well done to Southampton's Adam Lallana, Rickie Lamber and Luke Shaw)
We love to collect football stickers and fill our albums, but how much would it cost to fill your book?
In this year’s sticker book South Korean striker Lee Keun-Ho is at number 639. Stickers come in packs of five, so:
QUESTION 1: How many packets would you need to get 639 stickers?
QUESTION 2: If each pack costs 50, how much would it cost to buy the number of packs needed?
Of course when buying packets you will get some of the same stickers, with this in mind on average you would need to buy 4120 stickers.
QUESTION 3: How many packs of 5 would you need to buy?
QUESTION 4: How much would it cost?
Challenge of the Week: 05/05/14
10-digit Number Puzzle:
Find a 10-digit number where the first digit is how many zeros in the number, the second digit is how many 1s in the number etc. until the tenth digit which is how many 9s in the number.
Find a 10-digit number where the first digit is how many zeros in the number, the second digit is how many 1s in the number etc. until the tenth digit which is how many 9s in the number.
Challenge of the Week: 27/04/14
We have been using matches for right angle challenges in our class this week: Using 2 matches can you make 1 right angle, 2 right angles, 3 right angles etc. The challenge above is:
Can you move 3 matches and get 4 squares?
The video below shows you the solution.
Can you move 3 matches and get 4 squares?
The video below shows you the solution.
Problem of the Week: 14/04/14
Thinking Chocolate Puzzle.

There were 100 chocolates in a box. The box was passed down along a row of people.
The first person took one chocolate. Each person down the row took more chocolates than the person before, until the box was empty.
What is the largest number of people that could have been in the row?
The first person took one chocolate. Each person down the row took more chocolates than the person before, until the box was empty.
What is the largest number of people that could have been in the row?
Challenge of the Week: 07/04/14
Peas Galore.

At a school fete people were asked to guess how many peas there were in a jar.
No one guessed correctly, but the nearest guesses were 163, 169, 178 and 182.
One of the numbers was one out, one was three out, one was ten out and the other sixteen out.
How many peas were there in the jar?
No one guessed correctly, but the nearest guesses were 163, 169, 178 and 182.
One of the numbers was one out, one was three out, one was ten out and the other sixteen out.
How many peas were there in the jar?
Problem of the Week: 30/03/14
A Weighty Problem.

I have ten boxes which I want to pack into crates. Each crate can carry a maximum of 25 kg.
But I only have three crates, and the total weight of the boxes is 75kg:
15 kg, 13kg, 11 kg, 10 kg, 9 kg, 8 kg, 4 kg, 2 kg, 2kg, 1 kg
How can I pack the boxes into the crates?
But I only have three crates, and the total weight of the boxes is 75kg:
15 kg, 13kg, 11 kg, 10 kg, 9 kg, 8 kg, 4 kg, 2 kg, 2kg, 1 kg
How can I pack the boxes into the crates?
Solution: There are ten possible answers.
{Crate 1}, {Crate 2}, {Crate 3}
{15,10}, {13,8,4}, {11,9,2,2,1}
{15,10}, {13,11,1}, {9,8,4,2,2}
{15,10}, {11,8,4,2}, {13,9,2,1}
{15,10}, {11,9,4,1}, {13,8,2,2}
{11,10,4}, {15,8,2}, {13,9,2,1}
{11,10,4}, {15,9,1}, {13,8,2,2}
{13,8,4}, {15,9,1}, {11,10,2,2}
{13,10,2}, {15,8,2}, {11,9,4,1}
{13,10,2}, {15,9,1}, {11,8,4,2}
{13,11,1}, {15,8,2}, {10,9,4,2}
{Crate 1}, {Crate 2}, {Crate 3}
{15,10}, {13,8,4}, {11,9,2,2,1}
{15,10}, {13,11,1}, {9,8,4,2,2}
{15,10}, {11,8,4,2}, {13,9,2,1}
{15,10}, {11,9,4,1}, {13,8,2,2}
{11,10,4}, {15,8,2}, {13,9,2,1}
{11,10,4}, {15,9,1}, {13,8,2,2}
{13,8,4}, {15,9,1}, {11,10,2,2}
{13,10,2}, {15,8,2}, {11,9,4,1}
{13,10,2}, {15,9,1}, {11,8,4,2}
{13,11,1}, {15,8,2}, {10,9,4,2}
Problem of the Week 23/03/14
If you cut the shaded shape A into two pieces in a certain way, you can then make all the other shapes (B, C, D, E, F, G) from those two pieces.
How do you cut shape 'A' ?
How do you cut shape 'A' ?
Problem of the Week - 16/3/14
Problem of the Week: 09/03/14
A nice little challenge to get your brains going on a sunny day.

There are three light switches up in the attic of an old house... They control three light bulbs down in the basement. The problem is that you don't know which switch is connected to which bulb. You can make one trip down to the basement to figure this out.
How are you going to do it?
How are you going to do it?
Answer: Turn on TWO of the switches and wait about 15 minutes...Turn off ONE switch and go down to the basement...
The bulb that is lit matches up to the switch you left on...
The bulb that is off and WARM matches up to the switch that was on, but was turned off...
The bulb that is off and cold matches up to the switch you never touched.
The bulb that is lit matches up to the switch you left on...
The bulb that is off and WARM matches up to the switch that was on, but was turned off...
The bulb that is off and cold matches up to the switch you never touched.
Problem of the Week 2/3/14
Pascal's Triangle.

What number goes in the red blank?
No, the answer is NOT 4!
After you've figured the red blank out, can you fill in the next line of numbers?
Can you carry on the sequence?
No, the answer is NOT 4!
After you've figured the red blank out, can you fill in the next line of numbers?
Can you carry on the sequence?
Problem of the Week - 25/2/14 (sorry it's late)
Greens are Good for You!
Using three straight lines, divide the cabbage patch up into six sections with two cabbages in each section.
Problem of the Week 17/02/14
Your challenge this week is to work out how the Magic Gopher manages to guess the right symbol every time.
Problem of the Week - 9/2/14

How Old is Granny?
Tom asked his Granny how old she was. Rather than giving him a straight answer, she replied:
"I have 6 children, and there are 4 years between each one and the next. I had my first child (your Uncle Peter) when I was 19. Now the youngest one (Your Auntie Jane) is 19 herself. That's all I'm telling you!"
How old is Tom's Granny?
Tom's Granny is 58 years old. Let's see why:
First child born: Granny is 19
Second child born: Granny is 23 (19 + 4)
Third child born: Granny is 27 (23 + 4)
Fourth child born: Granny is 31 (27 + 4)
Fifth child born: Granny is 35 (31 + 4)
Sixth child born: Granny is 39 (35 + 4)
Sixth child is 19: Granny is 58 (39 + 19)
Tom asked his Granny how old she was. Rather than giving him a straight answer, she replied:
"I have 6 children, and there are 4 years between each one and the next. I had my first child (your Uncle Peter) when I was 19. Now the youngest one (Your Auntie Jane) is 19 herself. That's all I'm telling you!"
How old is Tom's Granny?
Tom's Granny is 58 years old. Let's see why:
First child born: Granny is 19
Second child born: Granny is 23 (19 + 4)
Third child born: Granny is 27 (23 + 4)
Fourth child born: Granny is 31 (27 + 4)
Fifth child born: Granny is 35 (31 + 4)
Sixth child born: Granny is 39 (35 + 4)
Sixth child is 19: Granny is 58 (39 + 19)
Problem of the Week. 02/02/14
Problem of the Week 13/01/2014
A nice simple one, how many squares can you see in the picture above?
Problem of the week: 06/01/2014
A new feature of the Numeracyshed is going to be a problem of the week. This weeks features pigs. For younger children you could ask them to:
*Guess how many pigs are in the picture (84 I think)
*How many eyes...how many eyes all together.
*How many legs...How many legs all together.
*Why is there only one big one?
For older children here is your problem of the week.
Farmer Hank has fewer than 100 pigs on his farm. If he groups the pigs five to a pen, there are always three pigs left over. If he groups the pigs seven to a pen, there is always one pig left over. However, if he groups the pigs three to a pen, there are no pigs left over. What is the greatest number of pigs that Farmer Hank could have on his farm?
*Guess how many pigs are in the picture (84 I think)
*How many eyes...how many eyes all together.
*How many legs...How many legs all together.
*Why is there only one big one?
For older children here is your problem of the week.
Farmer Hank has fewer than 100 pigs on his farm. If he groups the pigs five to a pen, there are always three pigs left over. If he groups the pigs seven to a pen, there is always one pig left over. However, if he groups the pigs three to a pen, there are no pigs left over. What is the greatest number of pigs that Farmer Hank could have on his farm?