This shed will try and share interventions available on the internet. These will not just be for those children struggling with Maths but for high flyers as well. I do hope the resources are useful to you.
Dyscalculia Resources.
Dyscalculia Guidance
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guidance_dyscalculia.pdf | |
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dyscalculia-toolkit-v4.pdf | |
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dyslexia_leaflet_maths.pdf | |
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Big Maths , Beat That Rapidly Raise Standards.
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This is not the complete programme as you have to buy that, but there are enough resources here to run a ten week programme to try and raise numeracy skills. The sheets are differentiated and all instructions, resources and answers are included.
Year 1 Catch Up Programme.
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max_marvellous_maths_group.doc | |
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This excellent intervention programme has all the plans and resources needed to run a 12 week catch up programme for Year 1 children needing a little help.
Reach for the Stars.
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reach_for_the_stars_booklet.pdf | |
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Not strictly an intervention but I wasn't sure where to put it. This is an excellent booklet where you have to reach and complete certain targets to move on to the next planet. A great resource for assessment in Key stage 1.
Wave 3 Maths Intervention.
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all_years_resources_and_index_games_maths.pdf | |
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wave_3_user_guide.pdf | |
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This is an older intervention, but could still be used in its entirety or just use some of the resources. The materials are aimed mainly at Keystage 2.
Springboard Numeracy Intervention.
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springboard_3.pdf | |
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Again this is an older intervention but could still be used if needed. Springboard 3 is intended for those children in Year 3 who have achieved Level 2C in the Key Stage 1 national tests in mathematics and who, with extra help, are likely to achieve Level 3 by the end of Year 4
EAL Primary School Pack.
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primary_starter_pack.pdf | |
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Not just for Numeracy but this pack has lots of useful visuals for children with EAL or SEN
Mathematics Enhancement Programme - Years R - 6
Taken from the site:
The initial development of this project was funded by PricewaterhouseCoopers, but with additional funding from ESSO, Corus, and the Garfield Weston Foundation. The project is ongoing and further enhancements are being made.Much of the material developed for this initiative is based on a Hungarian Series, edited by Professor Sándor Hajdu at the Petö Institute in Budapest, and published by Müszaki Könyvkiadó. This has been adapted and modified for UK schools with the help of Professor Tibor Szalontai and Rita Szalontai.
We are grateful for the help and cooperation of our Hungarian colleagues with this project.
This site has all you need to run an intervention programme. It has lesson plans, lesson objectives, workbooks and more.
The site also has the resources in Spanish and South African.
The initial development of this project was funded by PricewaterhouseCoopers, but with additional funding from ESSO, Corus, and the Garfield Weston Foundation. The project is ongoing and further enhancements are being made.Much of the material developed for this initiative is based on a Hungarian Series, edited by Professor Sándor Hajdu at the Petö Institute in Budapest, and published by Müszaki Könyvkiadó. This has been adapted and modified for UK schools with the help of Professor Tibor Szalontai and Rita Szalontai.
We are grateful for the help and cooperation of our Hungarian colleagues with this project.
This site has all you need to run an intervention programme. It has lesson plans, lesson objectives, workbooks and more.
The site also has the resources in Spanish and South African.
This site has some superb resources to help support maths, just click on the picture above.
Puzzles and Problems for More Able Pupils. Years 1 to 6
Here are a selection of workbooks that have challenges and problems for more able children.

challenges_year_1_and_2.pdf | |
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challenges_year_3_and_4.pdf | |
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challenges_year_5_and_6.pdf | |
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Narrowing the Gap
This was a publication by the DCSF from 2009:
This publication sets out ways to help primary schools to be more successful in narrowing the gaps in
attainment in mathematics. It is intended to be used by mathematics subject leaders and class teachers,
in collaboration with members of schools’ senior management teams to support those who work with
children to secure their learning in mathematics
This publication sets out ways to help primary schools to be more successful in narrowing the gaps in
attainment in mathematics. It is intended to be used by mathematics subject leaders and class teachers,
in collaboration with members of schools’ senior management teams to support those who work with
children to secure their learning in mathematics

moving_on_in_mathematics.pdf | |
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Maths Eyes.

I have only just discovered this but there seem to be some good resources and a good philosophy behind the programme.
The underlying philosophy of Maths Eyes is that mathematics is everywhere in our real
world. The omnipresence of mathematics provides glorious opportunities for human beings
at all stages of their lives. The description of mathematics as a “most useful, fascinating and
stimulating division of human knowledge” in the Primary School Curriculum, 1999 is most
The underlying philosophy of Maths Eyes is that mathematics is everywhere in our real
world. The omnipresence of mathematics provides glorious opportunities for human beings
at all stages of their lives. The description of mathematics as a “most useful, fascinating and
stimulating division of human knowledge” in the Primary School Curriculum, 1999 is most

mathseyes_resource_pack.pdf | |
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Maths Apprentice.
A really nice site that puts maths into real life context. Children can explore the street looking at different jobs that use maths skills and take an apprenticeship to help solve problems and run the business.