Maths Starter Shed 2.
Carl's Co-Ordinate Challenge.
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Collette Reynolds has done it again, following here brilliant Minion themed number of the day, she has now produced 'Carl's Co-ordinate Challenge'. Collette has kindly included four different challenges getting harder in difficulty.
Random Number Generator.
Not whizzy and bangy, and not particularly pretty looking, but a very useful little tool. Choose a range for your random number, press generate and it appears.
Great for mental maths, ask children to add/subtract 1,10,100,1000
Generate 3 or 4 numbers and ask children to order them
Generate numbers and ask children to make maths problems with them, using any of the four operations.
Great for mental maths, ask children to add/subtract 1,10,100,1000
Generate 3 or 4 numbers and ask children to order them
Generate numbers and ask children to make maths problems with them, using any of the four operations.
Number of the Day
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Thanks to Collette Reynolds (@ColletteR) For sharing this lovely Minion themed, number of the day maths sheet - this is aimed at Year 6, but could work with other year groups. Thanks Collette.
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Thanks to Jeremy Denton @Jeremy_Denton of Twitter for this great idea. Jeremy has some great ideas on his blog, which can be visited at
The 99 Club.

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This is a starter we do in our school, 3 times every week from Year 1 up to Year 6. We have found it has really helped with mental maths and learning multiplication tables. So being the kind chap I am I thought I would share it with you all.
In Year 1 all children start on the 11 club, children are given 10 minutes to complete the maths problems, if they manage to get them all correct within that time they move up to the next club (22).
This carries on through the clubs with each club only having 10 minutes to complete it (169 club is extremely hard to do in 10 minutes).
A display of which club the children are in is displayed in the classroom and names/photos are moved as they progress through the clubs.
There are a few rules to the 99 club, children are not allowed to talk during the 10 minutes, calculators or multiplication table sheets cannot be used, if they are then the child is aware they cannot move up a club until the problems are achieved without help (children often use a multiplication sheet until they are more confident with their multiplication tables)
The children love doing this and trying to progress through the clubs, we celebrate each others successes and the pupils love to see each other succeed. If you have any more questions please contact me [email protected] or @grahamandre
Word documents can be downloaded from the zip file below so that you can edit the documents. Update extra clubs have been added - with answers.
In Year 1 all children start on the 11 club, children are given 10 minutes to complete the maths problems, if they manage to get them all correct within that time they move up to the next club (22).
This carries on through the clubs with each club only having 10 minutes to complete it (169 club is extremely hard to do in 10 minutes).
A display of which club the children are in is displayed in the classroom and names/photos are moved as they progress through the clubs.
There are a few rules to the 99 club, children are not allowed to talk during the 10 minutes, calculators or multiplication table sheets cannot be used, if they are then the child is aware they cannot move up a club until the problems are achieved without help (children often use a multiplication sheet until they are more confident with their multiplication tables)
The children love doing this and trying to progress through the clubs, we celebrate each others successes and the pupils love to see each other succeed. If you have any more questions please contact me [email protected] or @grahamandre
Word documents can be downloaded from the zip file below so that you can edit the documents. Update extra clubs have been added - with answers.
Shopping Starter.
Thanks to @MrsOClee for this great little shopping starter. For more of these we now have the 'Maths Shopping Shed'
Which is the best deal?
Or for a real challenge try the one below.
Which is the best deal?
Or for a real challenge try the one below.
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This pdf has some really nice investigation maths projects. Content includes:
Level 6 Challenges.
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Ten sheets of Level 6 maths task cards.
Key Stage 3 Oral and Mental Starters.
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Maths Task Cards.
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Is it a Bargain?
This entertaining video shows a dodgy street trader. The video needs to be stopped at various points and the children should be given time to work out the deal and if it is a bargain or not.
Maths Starters - Scrapyard
Teachers TV created a series of maths starter videos, here is the first that I have uploaded. I will add others gradually.
Start; Probability - Dice Throw.
2:49: Height:- using a meter ruler to measure a tall structure.
5:46: Rotational Symmetry.
7:13: Square numbers.
9:54: Investigating circles.
Start; Probability - Dice Throw.
2:49: Height:- using a meter ruler to measure a tall structure.
5:46: Rotational Symmetry.
7:13: Square numbers.
9:54: Investigating circles.
Maths Starters - Travel
Start: Time - time tables.
1:00 24 hour clock.
2:02 Journey Time.
2:55 Average Speed.
5:00 Average speed - plane.
6:00 Adding journey times.
7:30 Distance and time graph.
10:00 Going by car - calculating cost
12:47 Traffic Flow - effect of speed limits on traffic flow.
1:00 24 hour clock.
2:02 Journey Time.
2:55 Average Speed.
5:00 Average speed - plane.
6:00 Adding journey times.
7:30 Distance and time graph.
10:00 Going by car - calculating cost
12:47 Traffic Flow - effect of speed limits on traffic flow.
Maths Starter - The Seaside.
Start: Construct a triangle in sand.
3:15 Measuring a pier from a distance.
7:20 Finding a remote point, how far away is the end of the pier.
11:00 Tied to a post
11:49 Cutting a cake: cutting a cake into 5 equal pieces.
3:15 Measuring a pier from a distance.
7:20 Finding a remote point, how far away is the end of the pier.
11:00 Tied to a post
11:49 Cutting a cake: cutting a cake into 5 equal pieces.
Maths Starter: The Shopping Mall
Start: Working out the area of an Octagon.
2:55 Percentages - sales.
5:59 Value for money - comparing offers to find out which is the best value.
7:23 Value for money - using a graph to work out value for money on a mobile phone tariff.
9:06 Probability - Probability of picking out various chocolates.
10:15 Fraction - Using cards to order fractions..smallest to largest.
12:52 Cake cutting problem.
2:55 Percentages - sales.
5:59 Value for money - comparing offers to find out which is the best value.
7:23 Value for money - using a graph to work out value for money on a mobile phone tariff.
9:06 Probability - Probability of picking out various chocolates.
10:15 Fraction - Using cards to order fractions..smallest to largest.
12:52 Cake cutting problem.