2D Shape Draw.

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3D Shape Properties.

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Thanks to my colleague Liz Westbrook for this great 3D shape property sheet.
Mr Men and Little Miss 2D Shape Mat.

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Minecraft Mega Shape Challenge.
Superhero Shape Pictures.
Love these superhero pictures, ask children what shapes they can find. How many triangles can you see? How many polygons? etc.
These would be great for KS1 lower. For the the top picture how many rectangles has (Add her) have? How many rectangles in total?
For the bottom picture - What shapes can you see?
For the bottom picture - What shapes can you see?
How Many Shapes?
These pictures are full of shapes to try and find. Great to talk about and look at. I have also created worksheets with each picture on (these are in Powerpoint and PDF format).
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3D Shape Addition.
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Thanks to my friend and colleague Liz Westbrook for this excellent 3D shape addition Powerpoint. This is great as it shows understanding of properties and language and has some problem solving.
Explain Everything App and Shape Properties.
Miss Kingsley and her lovely Year 1 class at Russell Scott Primary have been using the Explain Everything App to talk about the properties of 2D shape, what a great idea and some superb mathematical language used.
Lego Symmetry
1. Create a Lego masterpiece with line symmetry.
2. Create a Lego masterpiece with rotational symmetry. (Examples of Rotational Symmetry below.)
1. Create a Lego masterpiece with line symmetry.
- Basic level: build a Lego creation with at least one line of symmetry. When you're done, show the lines of symmetry.
- Advanced: decide on how many lines of symmetry the creation will have. One? Two? More? Build a structure to those specifications.
2. Create a Lego masterpiece with rotational symmetry. (Examples of Rotational Symmetry below.)
- Basic: build a Lego creation with rotational symmetry. You choose the order of rotation.
- Advanced: decide on an order of rotation and build a project to match.
Our Lego Wall Project from Tricia Fuglestad on Vimeo.
A new take on an old theme. Love this idea of using lego to create symmetrical butterflies.
3D Shape Mat.
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3dshapemat.pdf | |
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Dr Who and the Flatliners : 3D Shape
Thankyou to my new student Ruth Newing for this brilliant idea. We were looking at 3D shape and how to assess where children are before we teach them (Year 3) so we were going to ask the children in groups to create posters for Reception children about 2D shapes, properties, examples of where they may see the shapes etc. Then we were going to ask them to make posters about £D shape but to explain to the Flatliners (the aliens from the video above) what £D shapes are. The reason they are attacking people is because they do not understand 3D (this is explained in the video). Having that hook with Dr Who is a great idea, thanks Ruth.
Below are some 3D shape resources.
Below are some 3D shape resources.

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The picture above is great for looking for shapes - 2D and 3D. Thanks to my student Ruth again for the brilliant Powerpoint presentations and worksheets (differentiated) which you can download below.
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tues_11th_properties_of_shapes.pptx | |
File Size: | 9591 kb |
File Type: | pptx |
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File Size: | 356 kb |
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shape_extension.docx | |
File Size: | 561 kb |
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3D Shape Posters.
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3d_shape_posters.pdf | |
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Shape Song Swingalong.
This is a super little song that has an awful lot of useful content when looking at shapes.
I recommend watching it through once first then restarting and stopping at various points to try and find the various different shapes in the scenes being drawn. These are:
0.33 seconds: City with skyscrapers.
0.44 seconds: Road with signs, cars and trees.
0.48 seconds: Boats on the water.
1:09: Beach scene.
At 1 minute 32 seconds it suggests making shape with your body and shows some examples, it might be a good idea to ask children to do this as well.
2:23: Night time shapes.
These are the main scenes, but there are others that you could stop at. Have fun and let us know if you are using any of these resources.
I recommend watching it through once first then restarting and stopping at various points to try and find the various different shapes in the scenes being drawn. These are:
0.33 seconds: City with skyscrapers.
0.44 seconds: Road with signs, cars and trees.
0.48 seconds: Boats on the water.
1:09: Beach scene.
At 1 minute 32 seconds it suggests making shape with your body and shows some examples, it might be a good idea to ask children to do this as well.
2:23: Night time shapes.
These are the main scenes, but there are others that you could stop at. Have fun and let us know if you are using any of these resources.
Circle Song.
Polygon Song.
Parallelogram Song.
This video has a few shape songs, looking at different aspects: The shape songs are good because you sing along but also have actions to go with them.
Start: shape names.
1:08 Circle Song
2:20 Square Song
3:10 Triangle Song
4:25 Rectangle Song
5:08 Rhombus Song
6:27 Trapezoid Song
7:45 Parallelogram Song
8:20 Polygon Song - looks at number of sides
10:17 Pentagon Song
11:33 Hexagon Song
12:17 Octagon Song
Start: shape names.
1:08 Circle Song
2:20 Square Song
3:10 Triangle Song
4:25 Rectangle Song
5:08 Rhombus Song
6:27 Trapezoid Song
7:45 Parallelogram Song
8:20 Polygon Song - looks at number of sides
10:17 Pentagon Song
11:33 Hexagon Song
12:17 Octagon Song
Love the sitars on this song which goes through the different types of triangles.
Bit of a reggae feel to this song. Features coconuts falling on to various shapes and. changing them. run through the clip and ask your children to memorise the shapes and their properties.
Video can also be paused at various points and children can be tested using whiteboards or jotters.
Some quadrilateral resources here:
Video can also be paused at various points and children can be tested using whiteboards or jotters.
Some quadrilateral resources here:
Polygon Song.
Very ballady (is that even a word) this little number about polygons. To make it more interactive children could hold up their fingers to show how many sides are on each shape.
Resources for Polygons can be found here:
Resources for Polygons can be found here:
Symmetry Everywhere
A colleague wanted to teach symmetry so I thought i'd have a trawl to see what I could find. This is a great video with a classical soundtrack, it shows symmetry all around us, the video could be paused at various points to look at where lines of symmetry may go.
Angry Birds - An Introduction to 2D and 3D Shape.
Having more boys than girls in my class means I am bombarded with the latest trends and Angry Birds is very popular at the moment, so why not use that popularity to help make maths exciting.
In the video above, introduce 2D shape and ask children to write on whiteboards or in jotters any shapes that they can see. Share their finds and talk about the properties of the shape. Begin to look at 3D shape and how these can be made up of 2D shapes.
In the video above, introduce 2D shape and ask children to write on whiteboards or in jotters any shapes that they can see. Share their finds and talk about the properties of the shape. Begin to look at 3D shape and how these can be made up of 2D shapes.
Watch the above video and ask the children to look for 3D shapes, and especially their properties.
Their are several activities you can do from here, you could record the different shapes and their properties, draw them from different views or even make 3D shape angry birds using this link.
To look at 3D shape from different angles this is also a nice website:
Their are several activities you can do from here, you could record the different shapes and their properties, draw them from different views or even make 3D shape angry birds using this link.
To look at 3D shape from different angles this is also a nice website: