Superhero Shed.
Superhero Algebra.
Superhero Shape Pictures.

superheroangles.pdf | |
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Love these superhero pictures, ask children what shapes they can find. How many triangles can you see? How many polygons? etc.
These would be great for KS1 lower. For the the top picture how many rectangles has (Add her) have? How many rectangles in total?
For the bottom picture - What shapes can you see?
For the bottom picture - What shapes can you see?
Superhero Measuring.
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Superhero Alphabet Maths.
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Marvel Avengers in Numbers.
Avengers Age of Ultron Maths Questions.

avengersquestions.pdf | |
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Avengers Pie Charts
Marvel Avengers Height Chart.
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Thanks to Gaz @gazneedle for bringing this picture to my attention.
Can you convert to : Metres, inches, centimetres, millimetres.
Put the superheroes in height order.
How many leg bricks high is each hero? How many multilink cubes?
Can you convert to : Metres, inches, centimetres, millimetres.
Put the superheroes in height order.
How many leg bricks high is each hero? How many multilink cubes?
Superhero Life Expectancy
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superherolifeexpectancy.pdf | |
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Superhero Greater Than/Less Than.
Thanks to Justin Doherty @dactylus for sharing this great resource. Superhero, greater than / less than. Resources are available to download below.
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symbols2.doc | |
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Amazing Superhero Infographic.
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Superhero Cheque Challenge.
We love it when we hear that our friends have been using the resources from the Numeracy Shed, and I received a lovely tweet from Year Two of Lowerplace school. The Year 2 children have been using the Superhero themed cheques from to write numbers as words. The children looked engrossed with their task and the cheques look great in their books. Thank you again to @Year2lowerplace for contacting me, you can see more of their great work at:
If anybody else has used the resources from the Numeracy Shed and would like to feature them on our website, please contact me on @grahamandre or [email protected]
If anybody else has used the resources from the Numeracy Shed and would like to feature them on our website, please contact me on @grahamandre or [email protected]
Superhero Challenge of the Week:
How many characters do you see?
How many heroes?
How many villains?
Can you name all of the characters? If not can you research to find out who they are.
How long does the cycle of images take?
How many heroes?
How many villains?
Can you name all of the characters? If not can you research to find out who they are.
How long does the cycle of images take?
Superhero Themed DIRT Mat.
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superheromathsdirtmat.pdf | |
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People have been asking for an editable version so below I have added the Publisher version to download. This means statements can be edited for younger children or just totally changed. Please let me know if you have any success with this and if you would like to share any edited mats let me know @grahamandre | |
File Size: | 5012 kb |
File Type: | pub |
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Superhero Themed Cheques.
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These Batman themed cheques are great for encouraging children to write numbers in words and digits. Please come back as I will be adding more superhero themed cheques. There are some different themed chequs in the Maths Shopping Shed.
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hulk_and_spidermancheques.pdf | |
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Marvel Heroes Biographies.
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marvelheroesbio.pdf | |
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Marvel Villain Biographies.
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marvelvillainsbio.pdf | |
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Women of Marvel
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Guardians of the Galaxy Biographies.
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X-Men Biographies.
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xmen.pdf | |
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The Avengers.
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theavengers.pdf | |
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Thanks to my Twitter crew for pointing me in the direction of these 'Marvel Character Bios' which I took and made into lovely pdfs.
Stacie G (@StacieG86) had the great idea of taking the required info from the character bios and making Top Trumps cards with that info (there are blank Top Trump templates in the Maths Top Trump Shed)
Mike (@WatsED) suggested combining weights/heights etc and finding the mean,median and the mode.
The info could be used in a graph showing tallest to shortest or lightest to heaviest.
I am sure there are many more ideas of maths links for these, please let me know @grahamandre if you use them in your classroom.
Stacie G (@StacieG86) had the great idea of taking the required info from the character bios and making Top Trumps cards with that info (there are blank Top Trump templates in the Maths Top Trump Shed)
Mike (@WatsED) suggested combining weights/heights etc and finding the mean,median and the mode.
The info could be used in a graph showing tallest to shortest or lightest to heaviest.
I am sure there are many more ideas of maths links for these, please let me know @grahamandre if you use them in your classroom.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Bio.
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agentsofshield.pdf | |
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Thanks to @gazneedle for finding these great Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D bios. Looking at the info you could find differences and similarities between the agents.
Who is the oldest/youngest?
Who is the tallest/shortest?
Who is the heaviest/lightest?
Us a map and find their place of birth, how far from each other was each agent born?
Who is the oldest/youngest?
Who is the tallest/shortest?
Who is the heaviest/lightest?
Us a map and find their place of birth, how far from each other was each agent born?
The Science Behind Captain America and The Hulk.
A scientist from Stamford University explains why Captain America gained so much strength and why the Hulk turns green and what gave him his super powers.
Superhero Venn Diagrams.
Thanks to Mat (@inspiredmind5) for showing me this Venn diagram and leading me to others. Are their other superheroes that you could put into a venn diagram like this?
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vennofheroes.pdf | |
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To see the full details you really need to download this one.
Are there other ways in which the heroes could be sorted? Marvel Comics or DC Comics. Born with or acquired powers. Evil - Good.
Are there any heroes that are missing that could fit into this diagram?
Do you know all of the heroes, if not do some research to find out about them.
Are there other ways in which the heroes could be sorted? Marvel Comics or DC Comics. Born with or acquired powers. Evil - Good.
Are there any heroes that are missing that could fit into this diagram?
Do you know all of the heroes, if not do some research to find out about them.
Take a look at this venn diagram.
Can you spot any mistakes?
Who could fit into the middle of the venn?
Could you think of more superheroes to add to the diagram?
Can you spot any mistakes?
Who could fit into the middle of the venn?
Could you think of more superheroes to add to the diagram?
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marvelfilmrights.pdf | |
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Again a diagram you really need to download top see the full details.
Research needed for these ideas.
What heroes have / haven't featured in films.
Looking at the top five franchises, how many films were made for the gross income? on average how much did each Iron Man film take? How much did each Spiderman Film take? etc. etc.
Can you find out the income for other films such as Blade, Hulk, Ghost Rider, Punisher etc. and put in order of income.
Research needed for these ideas.
What heroes have / haven't featured in films.
Looking at the top five franchises, how many films were made for the gross income? on average how much did each Iron Man film take? How much did each Spiderman Film take? etc. etc.
Can you find out the income for other films such as Blade, Hulk, Ghost Rider, Punisher etc. and put in order of income.
Superheroes Then and Now.
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batmanthenandnow.pdf | |
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wolverinethenandnow.pdf | |
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These excellent infographics can be used on their own or in conjunction with the 'Funding a Superhero' project below.
Take each infographic and break down how much extra in dollars each category has risen.
Do the same but try and work out the percentage increase over time.
Take the percentage in increase and predict how much it would cost to be each superhero in 10/20/30 etc. years.
Can you do the same with other superheroes such as Wonder Woman (1941) or Iron Man (1968), find out the year in which they originated how much to live then and how much now.
If each superhero was getting a salary how much would they need to be paid a month/year to keep up their lifestyle?
Convert amounts from dollars to pounds or euros.
Take each infographic and break down how much extra in dollars each category has risen.
Do the same but try and work out the percentage increase over time.
Take the percentage in increase and predict how much it would cost to be each superhero in 10/20/30 etc. years.
Can you do the same with other superheroes such as Wonder Woman (1941) or Iron Man (1968), find out the year in which they originated how much to live then and how much now.
If each superhero was getting a salary how much would they need to be paid a month/year to keep up their lifestyle?
Convert amounts from dollars to pounds or euros.
The Science Behind Superheroes.
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Superhero Maths.
What would it be like if we really had super powers? These super videos from TEDED answer that question in s fun but informative way.
The Mathematics of Spiderman.
What Would It Be Like To Have: Super Strength.
What Would It Be Like To Have: Super Speed.
What Would It Be Like To Have: Invisibility.
What Would It Be Like To Have: Immortality.
What Would It Be Like To: Be Able To Fly.
What Would It Be Like To Have: Greater Body Mass
Here are some resources to go with the superhero theme.

solving-equations-superhero-top-trumps.pdf | |
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new_-_superhero_and_villain_-_vector_snakes_and_ladders_-_new.pdf | |
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financing_superheros.pdf | |
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